Mobility With Attitude Report Logo

MWA Report
THE guide for gettin your crip ass into the cool places in Chicago!

The Vic is at 3145 N Shefield, 773/472.0366

It is a concert & movie venue in Chicago.

There are a lot of variables at The is how I rate it.

How accessible is it?

accessibility icon 4

How problematic are the staff?!


How problematic are the other patrons?!
Patrons: Mostly pretty clueless. They will let you through the crowd if you yell though.

They are cool about letting you in early. If you want to sit up in the raised seating areas when it is set up as a caberet or if you want to sit up against the railing on the raised area to see at other shows without being down on the main floor...this part is all accessible.
Also there are crip toilets in the main lobby!!! Yea! To go down onto the main floor. Go around to the ramp on the north side (left when you are facing the stage.). There is still one step on this ramp (unless you can find a security guy and get them to let you in from the alley which I strongly suggest) and still you will have to negotiate that step if you need to pee...gimper toilets in the lobby.
The ramp is from hell!!! It made me wonder how they load beer or anything up and down it. We had trouble keeping me upright even with my lover pushing me ...make sure that the ramp is clear before you start up or down. It is steep and at an odd angle. Going down is of course easire than going up.
If you sit front and center at the stage, you can see pretty well.
The people are mostly ok...cept for the drunk ones of course, after the show. Everyone was cool about us going front and center. (I was last there for a Poi Dog Pondering show) and afterward we waited for probably 15 minutes letting the crowd thin out, and we still had trouble going up the ramp...ended up bashing into some guy to get him out of the way cuz we were yelling "outta the way!" and stuff and everyone in the place could hear us except him...and there were people trying to pull him out of the way...usually leaving for sure the staff will let you duck out the side alley...turn left in the alley and you are back out on Sheffield. It is where the band parks too if you are set on meeting them. Doesn't allow for stopping at the potties on the way out, so if you are having a potty emergency, it is worth a coke or whatever to run next door at Muskie's to use their extremely easy to use toities.

If you have disagreements with my assessments or things to add, please feel free to email me.

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Standard Dis-claimer: Input is well as submissions for places to review or reviews of them. I am very aware that I am only reviewing for mobility accessibility at present. I will attempt to start reviewing for other accessibility issues in the not too distant future.

Who am I? I am a queer cripdyke with MS. I am also a web designer, sound designer, graphic designer...check out my company:
Killer Banshee Productions

or drop email to the cripdyke reviewer.
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My thanks to Mark & everyone at Centerstage for publicizing these reviews.

All images (except for Centerstage Chicago logo) copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7.
Ask permission before you use anything off this site.
Content copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7.
Permission to copy only with this notice in full & notice to me that it is being copied.