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MWA Report

THE guide for gettin your crip ass into the cool places in Chicago!

Metro is at 3730 N Clark, 773/549.0203

It is a concert venue in Chicago.
If you've been to Metro, you are probably wondering how I have managed to get in there to see a show. Well here is how I rate it.

How accessible is it?

accessibility icon[That is if you don't count the bouncers carrying you...heh.]

How problematic are the staff?!

Staff: No need to worry. Special kudos to David & Sergio. Read on.

How problematic are the other patrons?!
Patrons: Rowdy. Don't pay much mind to the fact that the little bit of space they see over from them is actually just below the level of where they are looking. I would suggest a friend or two with you to help ward off body surfers et al.

Ah, secrets of the universe. Maybe you've assumed you just couldn't go to a show at Metro due to the fact that there are stairs, stairs and more stairs. I went to see L7 recently and have proved that a wheelchair doesn't keep one from going to the Metro.
ABSOLUTELY pee before you get there!!! There are no toilets on the main show floor or the entrance floor.
Get there about 5 or 10 minutes before the doors open. Go to the front door and tell them you need to be let in early so that they can get you upstairs before the doors open.
They will have a couple of bouncers carry you up the stairs and get you situated either back from the stage or up next to the stairs on either side of the stage.
They usually will keep an eye on you throughout the show (especially David & Sergio --VERY cool guys!). Expect to have a few close calls of people falling on you or into your chair. Not a place to go if you are really touchy about your space.
Enjoy the show!!!
After the show, you will need to hang out until they get the rest of the people down the stairs so there is room for them to carry you down all of the stairs at once.
Thank them and be cool. The bouncers are very cool, and they will be cool to you too.
BTW, if you are going in on crutches or whatever, there are 16 or so stairs from the entrance level to the main floor with a landing half way up, and another flight of stairs to the balcony (where you can sometimes convince them to give you a stool or something to sit on)...the toilets are on the balcony as well.

If you have disagreements with my assessments or things to add, please feel free to email me.

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Standard Dis-claimer: Input is well as submissions for places to review or reviews of them. I am very aware that I am only reviewing for mobility accessibility at present. I will attempt to start reviewing for other accessibility issues in the not too distant future.

Who am I? I am a queer cripdyke with MS. I also do web, multimedia, sound & graphic design...check out my company:
Killer Banshee Productions

or drop email to the cripdyke reviewer.
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in general.

My thanks to Mark & everyone at Centerstage for publicizing these reviews.

All images (except for Centerstage Chicago logo) copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7.
Ask permission before you use anything off this site.
Content copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7.
Permission to copy only with this notice in full & notice to me that it is being copied.